Welcome to Business Consultant Weekly

Vol. 2 Issue # 41 October 11, 1999

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Advertisers: Target your ads with low-cost, effective e-zine advertising that reaches others interested in succeeding online. Place your ads here for results. See details at the end of the classifieds.


In this issue:

1) Tip of the Week

2) FEATURE ARTICLE: Know What You Want & Make it Happen! by Kevin Sinclair


Traffic Builders

Business Opportunities

4) FREE Resources

Recommended Reading


6) MARKETING MINUTE: A Formula For Marketing Success by Mary Sweeny


If you'd like to read previously ran tips and features, go to http://netcheckspayroll.com/newsletter.html

"Tip of the Week"

by Alvin Davis - "Guerrilla MLM"

One of the best ways to LEARN anything is to "DO IT" and "EXPERIENCE IT"

We've read all the articles, tried all the Free Classifieds, Banners, Links, Search Engine and even PAID EZINE CLASSIFIEDS etc.... and still can't sign people up for your MLM Business.

Here's what I'd like to do:

Advertise your BUSINESS in our Ezine Advertising Network of 30 ezines and LEARN some Networking doing it!

Here's how we'll build an MLM Downline and make it work:

1. I'll ask all 30 EAMN Ezine Publishers and any other Publishers in "Guerrilla MLM" to run this article in their Ezines.

2. Each subscriber (NON - EAMN MEMBERS ) can join this NETWORK for FREE! I'll need to make sure you're subscribed to all the ezines that help in this program. Just e-mail mailto:webmaster@guerrillamlm.com?subject=DOANDLEARNMLM You'll get more INFORMATION when you reply.

3. You'll need to REFER at least one person before you can be added to the downline. Then they will need to refer at least one and so on...Multi-level Networking.

4. Everyone that joins from all the ezines and completes step 3 will be added to our downline also. So, we can have some quick spillover

Now, you can earn COMMISSIONS to run ads in all the ezines.

You can EXPERIENCE what happens if a lot of MLMers Network together an build a downline quickly.

Tell your online associates and lets have some FUN with this and LEARN!


"Guerrilla MLM" Ezine/Ezine Advertising MLM http://www.guerrillamlm.com mailto:webmaster@guerrillamlm.com



Know What You Want & Make it Happen! by Kevin Sinclair

How is your life and/or your business doing? Is it stagnating, boring, going nowhere? Have you become obsessed with meeting those loan repayments or trying to just survive until the next fistful of money comes in? Are you having trouble maintaining your positive expectancy about life and/or business?

Too many of us are living this way and it has to change! The Government won't do it for us, nor will our family or friends. So what steps do we need to take to make life worth living and our businesses into exciting ventures?

The way to live satisfying lives is to simply dream up the things that we want to do and then make them happen. A simple statement but so few of us can put it into practice!

You can put it into practice if you take these steps NOW! First, find yourself a quiet, comfortable location where you will be free from disturbances. Ensure that you have paper and pen handy as you will need to write some things down.

Brainstorm Ideas

Now, let's do some brainstorming. For the next ten to fifteen minutes, write down all the things you'd like to do. A few rules for this exercise are in order. Don't evaluate as you write! For example, if you'd like to go overseas on holidays for twelve months - don't stop and think whether you can afford it. Just write it down. Evaluation can occur later. At this stage, write down all the things that you'd like to do assuming there was nothing that you couldn't do.

Prioritise Ideas

When you have finished brainstorming, you will have a list of the things you would like to do - and hopefully it will be a long list! Your next step is to review your list and sort it into priority order. Again, do not evaluate any of these items as to feasibility, etc. while you are ranking them. At the top of a fresh sheet of paper, write the thing you would like to do most. Underneath that, write what you'd next like to do most. Continue doing this until you have sorted your list into order of most wanted to least want to do. Also, put beside each one when you would like to do it by.

Take a short break before proceeding to the next step.


Now, look at the top three items on your list and ask yourself the question: "What is stopping me from doing these things? It will help to clarify things if you write down these reasons. For example, if your number one choice is to go overseas for twelve months, your reasons for not being able to do so could be: *can't afford it; *can't leave my business unattended; and *afraid I won't like it when I get there.

You've got to remember that you are looking at the three things you'd like to do most! So you're not going to let reasons like that stop you from doing them, are you? Now spend some time thinking about what you can do to overcome these reasons. Again, brainstorming without evaluation can help. Write down all the things that come to mind that could overcome these obstacles. You might write down things like: *sell the business; *cut back on personal expenditure to save the money so can afford it; *get more information about where I want to go; *hire a manager to run my business while I'm away; *sell the house and use proceeds to pay for the trip; *increase my business so that I make more money; etc., etc.

Once you have a list of solutions (no matter how silly some may be), you can then evaluate them. Remember, sometimes it is the modification or extension of a silly idea that holds the solution. From this evaluation process, form a plan of how you could do what you most want to do.

Do a Plan of Action

Your final step in this process is to put your plan into action - and do it now! Don't wait for a more opportune time - the best time is always NOW!

However, don't let your big plans stop you from doing some of your smaller plans now. Pick a couple of activities you can do within the next month that won't cost you money. DO THEM! You will feel like a different person for having done so.

Okay, but can you apply this process to your business? You surely can. Instead of asking yourself what you would like to do, instead ask what can you do that will make your business more attractive to your customers so they will do more business with you?

Again, use brainstorming to help you. Follow all the steps above and you will come up with some great ideas that will help you to revitalise your business. Also, don't forget that the best source of ideas is from your customers. Ask them what they want - then give it to them provided you can do so at a profit. If you can't do it at a profit, brainstorm ideas on how you can do it at a profit. Always aim for continuous and never-ending improvement in your service to your customers.

You will see the difference doing things can make to your life and business!


Kevin Sinclair is the owner Be Successful! - Personal & Business Success Resources. His email address is kgs@powerup.com.au Visit his web site at http://www.powerup.com.au/~kgs/




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Traffic Builders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Business Opportunities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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First, e-mail your ad copy to... mailto:webmaster@netcheckspayroll.com If you're paying by check, print out a copy and mail the print-out, with check or money order to: NetChecks, 42263 50th St West, Suite 614, Quartz Hill, CA 93536. If you prefer to use a credit card, go to <http://netcheckspayroll.com/bcwadrates.html> to order your ad space on a secure server. If you have any questions, please call (805) 722-2286.


FREE Resources


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Recommended Reading ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The 1999 Edition of the famous "Insider Internet Marketing" book by Jim Daniels has just been released! We have our original copy right next to our computer! So take 30 seconds and learn what makes the difference between the "Internet success stories" and the "Obscure web marketers". A genuine insider tells all! <http://www.bizweb2000.com/d3643.htm> Get your copy TODAY!



"Do Your Homework!"

How long were you online before you learned to send attachments via email? Or to cut and paste from a text editor into an email program? How long did you spend learning to squeek the smallest useful result from that expensive desktop publishing program?

Consider taking classes in the things you will be using in your day to day operations. They are available on almost any topic you can imagine. And likely a few you wouldn't. If you can't make the time (Can't? Or won't?) then rent or buy an instructional video. The hours saved will be only the beginning of the time returns. You'll also find that there is a significant gain in confidence and productivity that goes with being truly proficient with the tools of your business.

You will be more creative and more productive, and do it all in less time. And for a lot less than you lose by muddling through it on your own.

Invest in your own skills. It pays off big!

Reprinted from TalkBiz News. To subscribe (It's free), send any email to mailto:Newsletter@TalkBiz.com



A Formula For Marketing Success by Mary Sweeny

There are four components to every marketing effort. All four of these key components must be given careful consideration-for each can cause the failure or success of your marketing.

1. The Product 2. The Message 3. The Prospect 4. The Media

Consistently successful marketing requires knowledge and mastery of these four factors which, together, can produce the desired results.

It's simple multiplication

Product x Message x Prospect x Media = Response Rate Predictor

Applying ratings to each component, from 0-10, with 10 being best, allows us to illustrate the effect of each component on the response rate of any marketing effort. With this rating system and response rate formula, the ultimate Response Rate Predictor would be 10,000-10 x 10 x 10 x 10.

If you have a Product which rates only a four, the Message, Prospect, and Media ratings all must be perfect 10s to deliver a Response Rate Predictor of only 4,000.

If you have a Product which is a perfect 10 (demand is there, price is competitive, quality is high), a Message which is an 8 (professionally prepared, but untested), a Prospect list which rates a 10 (an existing customer list, for example), and you've got a tested Medium (a rating of 9), then you can be very confident in the potential success of this promotion, which totals a whopping 7200 Response Rate Predictor.

On the other hand, remember basic multiplication? Zero multiplied by any number, no matter how large, always yields zero. So you can have a perfect Product, and the perfect Message and use the perfect Medium, but if you send your letter to the wrong Prospects (a zero rating), your response rate will be zero.

Rating the Four Marketing Components

PRODUCT ­ You have to do your research. Is the product or service you're offering going to meet an existing need or demand? What percentage of the public needs or demands it? You must know the exact demand or need you are trying to fill.

Can the product be priced profitably and competitively? Does the product offer value? How about quality? Do the best you can to objectively evaluate your product-from the prospect's point of view.

MESSAGE ­ This includes the offer you're making (FREE booklet, bill me, FREE gift w/order, etc.), how you say it (the words), and how you present it (design elements).

Have you made an enticing offer? Does your headline grab the attention of your hottest prospects? Have you made your promotion look uncluttered, easy to read, professional? Once again, you must put yourself in your prospect's shoes. How will your message be perceived by them?

PROSPECT ­ Who are the best candidates for your product or service? Will apartment dwellers be interested in your lawn tractors? Not a chance. Will the small business owner who spends only $2,000 per year on marketing be interested in my writing and consulting services? Probably not. Sending the right message about the right product to the wrong prospect can be a total waste.

MEDIA ­ How will you get your message in front of your hottest prospects? Direct mail? TV? Radio? Print ads? This element of your marketing is just as important as the other four. Spending the money for a professionally written and designed ad will do you no good if you place it in the wrong publication.

How sure are you of the media you've selected? Have you had success with them in the past, or are they untested for you? Are detailed demographics available? Do the best you can to rate your overall confidence in the media you plan to use.

NOTE: People want power, love, money, recognition, acceptance, relationship success, career success, health, avoidance of hardships, and fun (among other things).   In general, people want to spend money, be affluent and feel good. People do not want to budget or be austere. They do not want to be involved with things that require work, cause risk to what they already have, or that are time consuming.

Use this knowledge to rate the four components of all your marketing efforts, then make needed adjustments as are indicated by the formula. You'll be amazed what happens to your response rate!


Mary Sweeny is a Marketing Writer & Consultant and host of the Complete Marketing Success Site! Improve the results of ALL your marketing --just by visiting http://www.MarketingPowerNow.com for FREE Marketing self tests, tips, reports, articles, Link Opportunities + daily FREE vacation giveaways, FREE Postcard Service, more! FREE POWER MARKETING E-Zine Subscribe at: http://PMsubs.listbot.com/


If you have any questions or comments regarding this newsletter or the content, please email Laura Raushel at mailto:webmaster@netcheckspayroll.com

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(c) Copyright 1998 NetChecks Payroll & Bookkeeping.