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In this issue:
1) Tip of the Week
2) FEATURE ARTICLE: Entrepreneurophobia!--Part 1 by Walt Goodridge
Traffic Builders
Business Opportunities
4) FREE Resources
Recommended Reading
5) MARKETING MINUTE: The Marketing Magic of the Internet by Robert Imbriale
"Tip of the Week"
This week we'll begin a short series on saving time, something we all struggle with to some degree. Running a business, especially over the internet, can be overwhelming at times with new ideas and untapped markets flashing past us constantly. It's hard to know where to focus our most precious possession, time. Here's a few ideas:
1. Prioritize. Keep a list of your tasks and classify them under long and short term goals.
2. Divide and conquer. Break down all major tasks into smaller ones. Tackle each "small" task one at a time. This will allow you to reward yourself as you complete each step, keep track of your progress and avoid trying to do too much.
3. Set deadlines. Nothing gets done without a due date. Set a deadline for all projects but be realistic and always give yourself extra time, everything takes longer than you think.
4. Categorize. Keep work and personal responsibilities separate so that you don't get out of balance and neglect one or the other.
5. Use a calendar. Organize your commitments by listing all upcoming events on one calendar.
6. Do one thing at a time. Give all your attention to the project at hand.
7. Concentrate by eliminating distractions. Give yourself a certain time every day to be alone with your ideas.
8. Revise your short and long term goals periodically.
9. Use a master To Do list. Write everything on one list in an abbreviated way so nothing gets missed.
10. Learn to say No, gracefully.
More ideas next week......
Entrepreneurophobia! Copyright © 1994 by Walt Goodridge. (Originally published in The Fever Magazine) If you've ever wanted to start your own business and jump into the stream of but somehow never seemed to get up the courage to take the plunge, you might be suffering from a common malady which affects roughly 70% of the population: Entrepreneurophobia! Quite simply, after growing up believing in the American dream of working all of your life for a large company that will take care of you and provide benefits for you and your family, taking the leap into what most would consider an uncertain future is quite daunting. But take heart, as an entrepreneur myself, I'd like to share with you a new way of looking at what's holding you back so you can break free and achieve your own entrepreneurial dreams! Naming the fear. Being an entrepreneur has the glamour of being in charge, calling the shots, setting your own hours, more personal freedom, and just possibly the chance of making it really big with that new idea, service or product. On the down side, there are long hours, uncertainty, and of course, risk. Success is not guaranteed, and the money doesn't always come with the regularity of a day job. As a result, many of us choose to suffer in silent desperation making others into millionaires, while our own dreams of success go unfulfilled. What keeps most of us shackled to the nine-to-five grind is plain, simple FEAR. Fear of the unknown. But, don't worry, even successful entrepreneurs experience fear. It's part of being human. The trick is not to let it scare you into inactivity. The first step in our task of conquering this fear is naming it: Entrepreneurophobia, the fear of being an entrepreneur.
Fear of failure or fear of success? Most of us have been programmed all our lives to believe that "success" is simply going to school and getting a good job. While these are admirable goals to pursue, they don't encompass the entire realm of ways to live our dreams. Unfortunately, the programming is so powerful, that any endeavor which we consider that's not based on those norms is threatening to us and to others. Starting one's own business is a bold move which little of our life's teaching really prepares us for. As a result, we are likely to suffer discouragement and even ridicule from family and friends who view such plans as silly and destined for failure. In addition, we often have to overcome our own insecurities: What if I can't sell my music or product, what if my business fails, what if I get sued, or end up in more debt? How will I pay my rent? What will my family and friends think of me if I fail? What will I think of myself? Overcoming these self-doubts and negative influences doesn't mean you'll be successful either. In fact, it may be just the beginning of your troubles. Because, while many of us suffer from a fear of failure, an equal number suffer from what we can only call a fear of success! It's true. There are many individuals who don't know how to handle success and, when things are going well, appear to do everything in their power to destroy everything they've worked hard to achieve. The story of the superstar who "had it all" and then threw it all away on drugs, sex or gambling is the classic example. Even after we have achieved success, our own low self esteem may come back to haunt us. The external image we've created--the one that everyone else has of us--doesn't quite match the one we have of ourselves. So, we subconsciously do what we can to get them to match. So we end up sabotaging our own success. Then down comes the facade of wealth, confidence, and success, to be replaced with the old one of poverty, lack and negativity. That's what fear can do to you. While the bad news is you may never get rid of your fears completely, the good news is that you can learn how to manage them.
Fear Management. When you're in business for yourself, sales, employees, expenses, taxes, growth and everything related to your business require effective management. Fears, too, are as much a part of being an entrepreneur, and need to be managed. Many potential entrepreneurs fail even before they write their business plan, simply because they don't practice fear management well enough in advance and, just as importantly, during the life of their venture. To help you get a handle on your fears and practice fear management, here are a few basics you should know. The Facts About Fears
1. Fear is at the basis of most of human activity. It's one of the two reasons why we humans do ANYTHING. (The other reason is love). From working, to war, to religion, to politics, to sex, practically every aspect of what we call civilization is in response to some fear or another. Fear of starvation leads to the development of agriculture; fear of poverty leads to the pursuit of wealth; fear of the elements leads to construction of shelter; fear of death leads to the development of religion. Fear of losing freedom, independence and territory leads to war. 2. All fears are learned. Behaviorial psychologists say that the only fears we are born with are the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All our other fears are learned, and like a bad habits, can be unlearned. So there's hope! 3. Fears are not real. Fears are illusions. Fears do not exist. They are your responses to ideas that you've created from unreal beliefs. They have power only because you give it to them. Remember the first time you spoke or performed in front of an audience? The first time you dove into a pool? The fear at those times was so overwhelming that you thought you wouldn't survive into the next day. Well, you have survived, hopefully with the knowledge that the fears are usually more powerful than the thing we fear. In other words, fears rarely equal consequences. As you face your fears, ask yourself: what's the worst that can happen? If your idea doesn't sell, will the death penalty be imposed? Doubtful. Many of us would probably realize that our deepest fears are actually unfounded if we did a realistic assessment. But many of us never do because often it's easier to magnify our fear than to admit that the only thing holding us back ..... is us.
4. Fears signal opportunities. The only way to grow in life is to take yourself out of your "comfort zone". As long as you keep doing only what you're comfortable with, you will never grow. If something you're considering doing causes fear, the fact that you feel the fear is probably an indication that this is something you NEED and MUST do to grow into the next stage of your life. As a child, you couldn't walk until you conquered your fear of standing. You couldn't run until you conquered your fear of walking. Fears are the mind's way of identifying areas in your life that you need to work on. And as you do, you may stumble, or even fall, but you ALWAYS learn and grow.
Learn the Secret of how to "ICE" Your Fears in "Entrepreneurophobia--Part 2! next week.......
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Walt Goodridge is an entrepreneur and author of several books. His company, Niche Market Exclusives, publishes his books and other "success tools", which he creates especially for MLM Entrepreneurs, Hip Hop Entrepreneurs, Internet Entrepreneurs and others to show how to succeed in business. For a free brochure, call 301-587-9226! or visit the site at <http://members.aol.com/nichemrket>
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FREE Resources
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Recommended Reading ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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The Marketing Magic of the Internet by Robert Imbriale, Business Coach
What an exciting month this has been!
I've had the privilege of speaking with about 25 business owners who are all just getting started on the Web! And as excited as they were about it, I think that I was even more excited for them!
The great thing about is that there has never been a better time to start an Internet based business than right now. The Web is exploding in growth, and has recently begun to hit a critical mass in terms of the people who are now using the Internet regularly.
What that means for you and I as Web marketers is that we can easily sell many times MORE of our wares over the Internet!
So, I thought that this month, I would share with you some of the things that make your business a successful business on the Web - without it costing you a fortune in the process!
The first thing you need to do in order to be a success on the Web is figure out who it is that will buy your product. This may seem like an obvious thing to many of you, but day after day I speak with business owners who have, at best, nothing more than a vague idea of who their market really is!
Is your market "network marketers?" Or is it really people who have an interest in health and nutrition, the very products your network marketing company offers? The answer is simple, right? You really want the person who is passionate about the product, not the industry!
Next, all you have to do is get out on the Web and figure out where these people are. Where do they go when they are online? What do they do? What do they read? Can you reach them regularly and at a low cost?
This is where you will make decisions about what vehicle(s) you will use to reach your market. Do you use the search engines, e-mail, advertising, links, etc. These choices largely depend upon your market and your budget.
There is no point in trying to sell to a particular market if you can't easily identify them on the Web and if reaching them is a costly endeavor. What I mean is that if your market is so specific that in order to reach just one potential customer you have to advertise to thousands of people who would never buy what you sell, then the Internet may not be the way you want to go to advertise.
Next, take a look at your web site. Is it loaded with powerful benefit-laden copy that compels your prospect to buy now? If not, it may be time to get some professional help with your copy.
Experience has shown that the design of your Web site is much less significant than the words you use. After all, it's the words, not the graphics that sell your products!
One thing I really like to see in a Web site is that the words, the most powerful part of any Web site, download almost instantly. The graphics can take a few seconds longer, but the entire home page should be on your prospect's computer screen in less than 20 seconds. If it's not, you risk losing them! Yes, it happens that fast!
Is it easy for your prospect to order online? Do you offer them a way to order other than online? Some people will never enter their credit card number online, so it's important that you have another ordering method. You can use a fax number, or toll-free order line.
So far, you have brought people to your site and have sold them. Is that all? Well, surprisingly, many business owners drop the ball right here, letting untold millions of dollars in sales slip right through their fingers!
I know I'm not talking about you, right? No, you're a smart marketer and you know that it's equally important to keep in touch with your customers long after they have purchased from you the first time.
So the next step is to design a back-end sales program. Once a customer buys from you, it's just that much easier to sell to them again in the future, so make sure you keep their information and that you keep in touch with them on a regular basis!
I have more than doubled the sales of one company recently just by creating a back-end sales program for them! With virtually no cost involved, they were able to introduce new products and immediately begin selling them to their existing clients.
There is no need to be searching for new clients every time you come up with a new product or new offer! You've done that part already. Now, it's time to take advantage of what you've already created and reap the profits!
I have a number of programs that I use for just this purpose, so you can be creative here. Think about this. Never before has it been cheaper, faster, and more profitable to advertise than it is today thanks to the Internet.
What that means to me is that we have, for the first time in the history of this Earth, a chance to experiment, to try different ideas, approaches, and to retry them until you can master them. All the while keeping your expenses to unheard of levels that can hardly be measured!
Think about what that means. It means you have the opportunity to uncover a new marketing technique all your own! And if you do, you can capture an entire market long before your competition ever catches on!
So, I ask you, what are you waiting for? The time has never been better than right this moment to jump in and turn any business into a super-success using the power of the Internet! And, you can do it all for mere pennies per sale!
If you're not excited now, you'll never be! ________________________________________________________________
Resource Information
Robert Imbriale is an internationally recognized Business Coach, Speaker, Copywriter, and Author of "Internet Marketing Secrets." He has helped countless businesses become more successful under his guidance. Get your FREE AUDIO CASSETTE "Getting More For Your Advertising Dollars", a seminar schedule, or order a copy of his latest book, by contacting Mr. Imbriale's office toll-free at 1-888-226-8109 or via e-mail at probizcoach@juno.com.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this newsletter or the content, please email Laura Raushel at mailto:webmaster@netcheckspayroll.com
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