Welcome to Business Consultant Weekly
Vol. 2 Issue # 51 December 20, 1999
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In this issue:
1) Tip of the Week
2) FEATURE ARTICLE: Holiday Stress Busters by Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
Traffic Builders
Business Opportunities
4) FREE Resources
Recommended Reading
6) MARKETING MINUTE: "Internet Marketing Expert Can't Give Away $100 Bills" by Mike Enlow
If you'd like to read previously ran tips and features, go to http://netcheckspayroll.com/newsletter.html
"Tip of the Week"
Today's feature is a bit off topic...sort of. Actually, eliminating, or at least controlling stress, is about planning for it. How much better (and less stressful) could your life and business be if you could plan ahead and be ready for those everything-is-happening-at-once days. You've got those annual year 2000 business plans all ready to go...right? Well, if not, get yourself a FREE 30-day trial version of Motivator Pro, an easy to use goal setting program at http://www.motivator.com/entrance.cfm?Dealer_ID=10336.
Holiday Stress Busters by: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
The holidays are a time for great joy for some, and a time of stress and frustration for others. None of us should be denied the joys of the holiday season and so I have put together the following seven suggestions to help you "bust" the holiday stresses and enjoy this time more.
1. Plan ahead. We know well in advance, (like a year before), that the holidays will require a lot more of our time for special preparations in addition to our regular routines and responsibilities. However, many of us get caught short, in crisis management, running around at the "eleventh hour", trying to get the last minute stuff done, feeling a bit (or a lot) stressed out. The solution is to plan ahead and schedule these tasks and events with greater care. It always seems to get done sooner or later. Why not sooner, at your pace, without so much of the hassle?
2. Delegate. There is a lot of difference between "I do it" and "It gets done". Which is more important to you? I hope, "It gets done". Sure it's fun to "do it all", but that may be an impractical goal that only serves to frazzle and stress you out. Share the shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. responsibilities with others. You don't have to "do it all" yourself. It would be nice if we could, but there is only so much time. And people generally appreciate the opportunity to participate in the preparations. "You don't always do for someone when you always do for someone."
3. Get enough sleep. During the holidays, with all there is to do, the parties, the preparations, the shopping, the wrapping, and the cooking, it is easy to pay for the additional time required with our sleep time. The problem for many is that when they don't get enough sleep, they get cranky and don't enjoy what they are doing as much. Not only that, they may not exactly be a pleasure to be around! Each of us has a different sleep level that we require to feel rested. Especially during the busy holiday period, take the time for adequate sleep so that you have the energy to get into the full swing of things and enjoy it as it happens.
4. Don't overindulge. Anything in moderation. The holidays are a time when it is easy to overindulge in what we eat and drink. The problem is, we pay for it later and sometimes sooner. A little advanced planning might help as well. For example, let's say you know that you always accumulate an additional five pounds over the holidays. Make it a point to drop five pounds before the holiday season. Many find it is easier and less stressful to lose that additional weight before, rather than after, the holidays.
5. Set a financial budget and stick to it. We tend to want to be generous and when shopping, it is easy to fall prey to "impulse buying" and "go all out" with the credit cards. Then, we experience the "post holiday blues", when the bills arrive in January. Plan what you will spend before you go to the stores, when you are rational, and then stick to those budget amounts when you are in the stores, when you are more emotional.
6. Don't overload this time period. KISS. "Keep it Simple." This is not the last holiday period you will enjoy. You can't do everything but you can do and enjoy the most important things. Sure you will do more now than at other times during the year. Have a grand time, a memorable holiday season. Just don't try to "do it all". Save something for next year.
7. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination. Don't "dread" any part of it, the shopping, the wrapping, the cooking, the cleaning, etc. Find happiness in all of it. Enjoy it all. Some place all their eggs in one basket. If all the celebration and the joy are scheduled for that one night, perhaps Christmas Eve, what happens if it's a disappointment? The whole season is a bust. Enjoy all the stuff leading up to the "big night" and enhance the quality and your level of enjoyment of the entire season.
Don Wetmore is a full-time Professional Speaker, specializing in the topic of Time Management. He has another article that might b e helpful to you, entitled, "Stabilize Stress". It's free. To get yours, email your request for "stabilize" to: ctsem@msn.com
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Dr. Donald E. Wetmore-Professional Speaker Productivity Institute Time Management Seminars 60 Huntington St. P.O. Box 2126 Shelton, CT 06484 (800) 969-3773 (203) 929-9902 Fax: (203) 929-8151 mailto:ctsem@msn.com http://www.balancetime.com
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Traffic Builders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Business Opportunities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Good news! Take advantage of your preferred subscriber status with a rate of 50% off the regular rate of $10 per issue for YOUR best 5 line ad (65 characters max per line). As loyal subscribers, you can still place ads here at half-price or $5 per issue. For a limited time. If you have more than 5 lines, just add $5 ($2.50 for subscribers) per extra 65 character line per week.
First, e-mail your ad copy to... mailto:webmaster@netcheckspayroll.com If you're paying by check, print out a copy and mail the print-out, with check or money order to: NetChecks, 42263 50th St West, Suite 614, Quartz Hill, CA 93536. If you prefer to use a credit card, go to <http://netcheckspayroll.com/bcwadrates.html> to order your ad space on a secure server. If you have any questions, please call (805) 722-2286.
Or, why not sponsor an issue of BCW or request a private mailing. See <http://netcheckspayroll.com/bcwadrates.html> for details.
FREE Resources
Mouse potatoes... REJOICE!. Earn 50 cents an hour for your time online and 5 cents an hour when the people you refer are browsing. Sign up for FREE and earn money! Numbers seem small? Imagine what they'll be with 1,000 in your downline. Go now to http://www.alladvantage.com/refhome.asp?refid=AOW-039 and use referral ID# AOW-039
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Recommended Reading ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Questions to Ponder
Do I agree with Mr. Dixon's thought?
What change would I benefit from focusing on, if any?
What results that I have focused on have kept me from ever making a change?
Copyright the Discian Group from the Powerquotes ezine. See http://discian.com/powerquote.htm for more information.
"Internet Marketing Expert Can't Give Away $100 Bills"
by Mike Enlow
Yes the above statement is a true story. Most importantly to you is, *the fact* we couldn't even give away $100 bills on the internet. This incredible experiment reveals why most don't make money online and what you can do RIGHT NOW to change that and start profiting immediately.
Here's what happened: We created a web site making a legitimate offer to give away free money, promoted it through search engines and newsgroups, and left the web site up for several months - but not a single person took us up on it.
(This story does have a happy ending though - keep reading to find out!)
What does this mean to you and your online business? If you are selling anything less attractive than free hundred dollar bills (and that's most everybody, by the way) then it is *critical* that you keep reading to learn the very big problems you face in order to make money online.
Most People Don't Understand Just Exactly How Hard It Is To Make Money On The Internet - Or How Easy It Can Be IF You Do Everything Exactly Right
As very successful technology marketing consultants, we've taken people who hadn't earned a penny online and got them started making money immediately - And we've worked with people who were already making good money and literally exploded their profits with our special methods and techniques.
But, unfortunately, the plain truth is: it's hard to sell ANYTHING On The Internet! And if you don't mind my being blunt, I'm going to tell you the main reason why more people aren't buying from you:
They Don't Believe One Darned Word You Say! Literally. They're sick of being lied to. Sick of being misled. Tired of outrageous offers, unsolicited email spam, products that don't work as advertised, and people who hide behind fake names and fake email addresses.
And Here's The Problem: Even if you are selling the greatest, most effective, amazing product or service in the history of the world (even free $100 bills), I GUARANTEE you that whatever you are doing to establish your credibility right now isn't enough.
You've got to BEND OVER BACKWARDS to prove that you and your offer are legitimate and believable, and it's likely that you're not doing even half of what you should do to maximize your sales. (Which is good news for you, because after reading this article you should be able to *instantly* increase the profitability of your website or online business. :-)
Let me repeat that, because this is one of the most important things about selling on the internet that almost everybody is missing. . . You've Got To Bend Over Backwards To Prove That *YOU* And Your Offer Are Legitimate.
You can blab on for hours about how great your product or service is, but without spending time establishing how trustworthy and legitimate YOU are, you won't make the sale. Let's take our attempt to sell $100 bills as an example. I'm going to dissect our ad and tell you everything that was wrong with it. Are you making any of these mistakes?
(Here's the ad we ran on a Freeyellow free web site:)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I'LL SEND YOU A $100 FOR FREE!!!! you just pay the cost of $10.95 to have it mailed to you by overnight delivery!! My supplies of these $100 bills are limited if I run out your order will not be processed so act now!!!!! Act now to get $100 (U.S. Currency) by overnite delivery!!!!!! WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET $100 FREE? <Click Here To Order Online>
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
...Would you take a free $100 bill if you read that ad?
First off, let me ask you a question: If you knew for a fact that the above offer was legitimate and true in every way... How many $100 bills would you buy? (Dumb question, right?) Then why didn't people try to buy thousands of them? There's only one reason: The ad did not have credibility. And even though this example is on the "outside edge", the same problem exists in virtually every ad on the net. I'm here to tell you that no matter how good you think you've established your credibility in your current sales letter, you can do more - and doing so will put your sales through the roof!
OK, what's wrong with the ad we ran?
1) Too many exclamation points. Makes it sound "hypish" and destroys credibility - without credibility, no sale.
2) We don't identify ourselves in the ad. That's a terrible mistake, and I don't just mean our company name... Any scam artist can register a fictitious business name, and they're easy to hide behind. Without a clear identity behind the offer - to defray any fears your prospects may have - even the best offer with a triple your money back guarantee means nothing... you won't get the sale.
You should always have a "clear identity." You should have a phone number, address, and whenever possible a fax number. NEVER use hotmail, usa.net, or other throw-away free email addresses. Those who are out to scam you and run *almost always* use throw-away email addresses - free email addresses. At least with a legitimate ISP email account, the customer has some feeling you can be found if you turn out to be one of the "bad eggs" - a scam artist.
3) Need to give credentials. I should have established that I'm an expert in my field, should have listed famous and successful clients I've worked with ...you get the point. You must do everything you can to show your credentials, because that helps to build credibility.
4) Need testimonials. I should have listed happy customers of ours and happy people who had previous order $100 bills, using FULL names whenever possible, not initials. Testimonials are a great way to gain credibility. Even the weakest of testimonials can make a dramatic difference in your sales. HARVEST those like the golden nuggets they are... When a customer writes you saying nice things, *always* write back and ask, "Can I quote you on that?" - You'll be surprised how many say, "no problem" and this alone can make such a difference in your success you won't believe it until you've tried it.
5) Give full contact info like our business address and phone number to establish that we're "real people". There are many services where for a few dollars a month you can get a "one number for everything" services, taking both voice mail messages and faxes and forwarding them to you via email.
6) Here's a very important one: We need to explain WHY WE ARE DOING THIS. Lots of people miss this point. If I explain that we're giving away $100 bills as an experiment, or because I'm a wealthy philanthropist, etc., people understand what's going on, and there's a better chance they'll believe me.
I hope these tips have been of use to you. If you put these concepts into action in your online marketing, you should easily be able to increase your sales.
P.S. -Once we applied the credibility tactics I just listed, we "sold" a $100 bill to the very first person that we contacted. Yes, they *do* make a difference!!
(C) 1999 Masters of Marketing - All Rights Reserved
Mike Enlow is founder of the "Masters of Marketing Inner Circle," and specializes in unusual and low-risk methods for increasing your business, both offline and on. To get his free "Instant Cash Flow System" that earned him $37,000 in two weeks, go to: http://www.enlowcircle.com/go/netchecks
This e-zine is emailed only to those who have requested it. If you do not wish to receive future issues, please see the unsubscribe instructions below. Also understand that we do not make available our subscriber list to other companies. We value each subscriber's privacy.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this newsletter or the content, please email Laura Raushel at mailto:webmaster@netcheckspayroll.com
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