Welcome to Business Consultant Weekly

Vol. 2 Issue # 7 February 15, 1999


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In this issue:

1) Tip of the Week

2) FEATURE ARTICLE: The Tank's on Empty by Gary Lockwood


Traffic Builders

Business Opportunities

4) FREE Resources

Recommended Reading

5) MARKETING MINUTE: The Future of Web Marketing by Michael Norton


"Tip of the Week"

Two weeks ago we started a series on saving time. If you missed the previous issues, you can go back and retrieve the first part of the series at <http://netcheckspayroll.com/BCWv2issue5.html> and the second part of the series at <http://netcheckspayroll.com/BCWv2issue6.html> Here are a few more ideas:

21. Stay grounded. Think about what is true and real today, do what you have to do with it and forget feeling guilty about the past.

22. Don't be afraid to ask. Why waste time researching if you can ask someone whose already done it.

23. Be prompt. Determine how long each task takes, throw in an extra 10 minutes then make an appointment to depart on time.

24. Avoid crowds. Frequent places of business during off-peak hours.

25. Shop with a list. Make one trip and avoid last minute dashes for missing items.

26. Stock up. Buy non-perishable household goods and toiletries when they're on sale.

27. Recycle. Do you really need that new "????" or can you make use of what you already have?

28. Plan for change. If you know about a major change in your life coming up, adjust your time budget now to accommodate it.

29. Take action. Start "it" today. If you tell yourself "when I finish such and such I'll begin to live out my dream" you have a problem with time. Start now to plan steps.

30. Take control. You are in charge of your own time.



The Tank's on Empty by Gary Lockwood

Remember the last time you were driving down the road and noticed that your gas tank was on "empty"? How did you feel? If you're like most of us, you started feeling just a little anxious.

You probably began thinking about how and when you would find a gas station. You might have even wondered (for a few seconds) what it would be like if you ran out of gas. With your imagination in high gear, you would have visualized yourself trudging on foot to the nearest gas station, buying a can of gas (including the can!), then hiking back to the car. What a trip!

Now switch scenarios. Recall how you felt when you just filled the tank. You are confidently driving with an ample reserve of gas. No worries about fuel; no anxiety about running out.

Having plenty of fuel for your car is very similar to having reserves for yourself. When you are running on "empty" with regard to time, money, space, love, faith, satisfaction, or companionship, you will feel the same negative emotions you felt when driving with an empty gas tank.

So, what's the answer? Build reserves of all these things you need in your life. Do what you have to do to create more than enough love, attention, space, time, money and so on.

Let's get something straight first. Building a reserve of something you need in your life is only one part of the puzzle. The other piece is to identify what is draining your reserves. If you're pouring into the top of a leaky bucket, you won't make much progress.

For example, let's get started by examining how to create reserves of time. Many of my new coaching clients complain of having too little time. Their "time tank" is running on empty, so they feel uptight, frustrated, flustered, pulled in every direction, and tired. Often, this is the first thing we work on together. Clearly, a reserve of time would reduce the stress. So, how do you do it?

Start by plugging the leaks. Take aggressive action, such as:

** Reduce interruptions - Interruptions can drain 1-2 hours a day. Rather than spend time with anyone who happens to stop by, close the door, turn off the phone or work from home one day a week.

** Reduce the clutter - Is your desk or credenza piled with pending and unfinished work that will be done when you "get around to it?" The average businessperson spends 3 hours each week looking for things plus 2 hours being distracted by the stuff lying around. The most effective people work from a clean desk. An uncluttered desk helps you stay focused on your most important project.

** Dump useless tasks - Quit doing some of the routine things you do just because "that's what I've always done". Practice good priority management. Plan each day to stay focused on those tasks that will move you toward your goals. Watch for tasks that can be delegated or simply dropped.

As you plug the leaks that drain off your reserves of time, start to create even more time. Here are a few ways to do this:

** Stop the "Crises Management" - Ever feel that you're leaving a trail of unfinished projects, unreturned phone calls, unread mail, partially completed reports? Crises arise from jobs we left unfinished to work on other unfinished tasks. Another term for crisis management is "fire fighting."

Most of this is really caused by losing focus of true priorities. Learn to tell the difference between "urgent" and "important".

** Plan better - You accomplish the most when you know exactly what you want to accomplish. Decide what is really important in your life. What can you delegate? What can you simply drop? You can't manage time, only your priorities.

How about another example of creating reserves? If you wanted to create a reserve of money, what could you do? Start by plugging the leaks. Take aggressive action to stop wasting money; do what you have to do to avoid late payment penalties, shop wisely (with a list), look for deals and pay off the credit cards.

As you plug the leaks that drain off your reserves of money, start to create even more money. To do this, you might: turn a hobby into a business, save at least 25% of income, develop sources of passive income, raise your prices by adding more value, make a financial plan.

OK. Back to reserves now. You can see that we were shifting from being a "spender of time & money" to being "an investor of time and money". Start today to plug the leaks and create ample reserves for yourself in all the areas where you have needs. Some suitable cand- idates are time, money, space, safety/security, ideas, opportunities, friends, love, attention, self-esteem, confidence, energy, and gas in the tank.

Fill the tank!

About the Author...


Gary Lockwood is Your Business Coach. Get the Unique, Do-It-Yourself Business Consulting Kits - FREE To get yours, go to http://www.BizSuccess.com/freekits.htm For Gary's FREE Tele-seminars, mailto:freeclass@bizsuccess.com Email: mailto:Gary@BizSuccess.com Web: http://www.BizSuccess.com Office: (800) 272-1575 (USA) * Fax: (760) 325-9608




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FREE Resources


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Recommended Reading ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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The Future of Web Marketing by Michael Norton

One of the most important traits any business person must develop is the ability to see trends and predict where the market is going.

A prime example of this is Bill Gates. When IBM was preparing to launch the Personal Computer he had the vision to see the significance of the operating system (DOS, Windows, etc). He understood that he who controls the operating system controls the personal computer market. Because of this vision he is the richest man in the world.

So let's gaze into our crystal balls and see what the future holds for marketing on the internet and the world wide web in particular.

If you follow the news about the web you know that the big buzz word today is: Portal. A portal is a web site that, at least in theory, is your guide to the entire web. It's the page that the portal developers want you to see when your browser first starts. It's where they want you to come whenever you want to find something on the web. In Babylon 5 terms, a portal is like "PSI Corp". They want to be your mother and your father. They want to be your entire internet experience.

Some examples of Portals are Netscape's Netcenter and Microsoft's new start page. Personally, I haven't set my web browser to bring up a portal when it starts. I have it pointed to a page on my web site. That way I know my web page is up whenever I get on the web.

If you've followed the development of the portal you also know that creating one isn't cheap. You can see multimillion dollar deals almost every day. This portal pays that content provider a few million to be a part of their site. Or this content provider pays a couple of million to be part of that portal. Now I don't know about you, but I don't have a few million dollars laying around so I can build a portal. So what's the "little guy" to do?

Well, to paraphrase the advice Dustin Hoffman received in the movie "The Graduate", I've got one word for you, Community. Community? Yes, Community.

A Web Community is a number of web pages that are in some way related. Some of the more famous communities are GeoCities and Tripod. These communities are so large that they are broken down into sub-communities (neighborhoods). Each neighborhood can have thousands of web pages.

Now I know what you're thinking. I didn't have the money to create my own portal, I certainly don't have the money to build another GeoCities. Actually, you do. There are several companies that have sprung up over the past year that will host your community for a relatively low investment.

For a low, yearly fee these companies will provide you the web space and tools you need to not only build a significant community, but also a nice monthly income. So what will these companies do for you?

1) They host your community and let you host (give away) as many web sites in your community as you want. You can build as big a community as you want.

2) They put a banner on every page in your community that points to your web site. Imagine you have a community of 1,000 web sites. That would be 1,000 web sites advertising for you, for free!

3) They give you information (at least an email address) for every person that sets up a web site within your community. Now if you had that community of 1,000 web sites, you'd also have 1,000 people you can email with offers and deals that make you money. So what kind of products might appeal to your community? Things that help them promote their web site of course. They'll buy everything from Search Engine Submissions to Ezine ads. (Note: The web community host requires each person that signs up for a web site to agree to accept email from you. So you can advertise to your community and not worry about flames and sending spam.)

4) They market products and services to your web community and pay you for the privilege. Whenever someone in your community purchases something from your host you receive a percentage of the profit! My host is in the process of buying other companies so they can offer my community a wide range of products and services. Shortly they'll offer everything from personal computers and Web TVs to health and beauty products.

Well, that's community building in a nut shell. There's much more to building a community, but this should get you started. Look for a host that you like and get started building your community today.


Michael Norton is the proprietor of NeoEntrepreneurs - http://www.neoent.com. The completely free, step by step guide to making money on the internet, each and every day. You can contact him at: Michael@NeoEnt.Com.


If you have any questions or comments regarding this newsletter or the content, please email Laura Raushel at mailto:webmaster@netcheckspayroll.com

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