Welcome to Business Consultant Weekly

Vol. 3 Issue # 1 January 3, 2000

Happy New Year! In the spirit of the new year and new millennium, today's edition will be devoted to fresh starts and making the most of our annual business plans.


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In this issue:

1) Tip of the Week

2) FEATURE ARTICLE: Resolutions for the New Millennium by Gary Lockwood


Traffic Builders

Business Opportunities

4) FREE Resources

Recommended Reading


6) MOTIVATIONAL MESSAGE: How to Make New Year's Resolutions Stick by Dr. Donald E. Wetmore


If you'd like to read previously ran tips and features, go to http://netcheckspayroll.com/newsletter.html

"Tip of the Week"

Today's feature writer encourages us to make 2000 a better year in our business as well as personal lives. Here are a few more ideas for us to gain perspective and move toward success:

Three Simple Tips to Make YOU a BIG SUCCESS in 2000.

by Don Monteith ActionTips.com

Seems like everybody has an "insider" tip for you. You get the feeling all you have to do is fix your website like so, do a few search engine tricks, and big bucks will immediately roll your way. Of course, you probably tried those things to find out they don't always work.

Do a survey of people actually earning big incomes on or off the Net and you will likely find much more basic things giving them their success. Attitude, motivation, an open mind, and willingness to really look for ways to improve are the truly essential ingredients for making your business go.

Here are three simple tips that could greatly improve your success in the new millennium:

1. Let your dreams flourish. Remember life is a JOURNEY, not a destination. Once you decide what your goal will be, pay close attention to how you will get there. Let your imagination and desire go to work to find goals that are worthy of your time and talent. Don't be afraid to find new, interesting ways to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

2. Get good advisors. They are worth their weight in GOLD. Find people who are experts in key areas of your business. A good Internet promotion authority can save you thousands of dollars and years of work in your path to success. You also need good LEGAL and ACCOUNTING help. Cutting corners now will cost you dearly later on.

3. Empower your employees and customers. You know your business, but so do your employees and customers. They are your most likely sources of good ideas that can make you money. ASK them how you can run your company better.

Give your employees, contract workers, and suppliers opportunities to use their intelligence and creativity. People blossom when you give them the chance. You will uncover hidden nuggets you didn't know you had, often unveiling an important, unseen path to greater success.


Get Don Monteith's "Action Tips" newsletter FREE at http://ActionTips.com/. Discover the money-making strategies Don learned from $100 Million in sales. Miss the potholes and ride the fast track to steady profits. Find out why friends give poor advice, which customers you want, and which you can afford to lose. Reach Don at creative@carolina.rr.com.



Resolutions for the New Millennium

by Gary Lockwood

As you launch into this very special new year, consider these resolutions. Taking action on any of these could transform your enterprise and your life.

> Resolve to get wired Businesses of all shapes and sizes are flocking to the Internet, the fastest-growing communications medium in history. Use of the Internet and the World Wide Web can be a cost-effective addition to your arsenal of competitive weapons. Don't wait. Resolve to get your enterprise in some form of ecommerce this year. Companies worldwide are finding out you can reduce marketing costs, increase revenues and improve service using the Internet. The world is moving fast. Plug into it today.

> Resolve to expand your comfort zone Each of us has our own personal comfort zone. Some would call it "a rut". Staying in your comfort zone can be very limiting. The world passes us by as we stagnate. If we are not learning, trying new things and growing, our jobs and businesses may be deteriorating. Make a list of 50 things that, if you really were successful in doing them, you would be a better person or a better company. Things like give a speech (oh no!), write and publish an article, start an exercise program, meditate daily, teach a class, feed a homeless person, volunteer, climb a mountain, learn to play a new musical instrument, sign up for a dance class, try for that promotion, and so on.

Then, from your list, choose one or two that you are willing to do within the next 90 days. Schedule those one or two new activities, then go for it. Afterward, choose one or two more and do it again. Make personal and professional growth a lifelong habit.

> Resolve to get better clients Most businesses take on any client who steps up with the money. Consider the cost to you for dealing with the people you serve. Have you ever noticed that some people make you feel good just to be around them? These are the people who give you energy when they are near you. On the other hand, there are probably others you can think of who drain all the life out of you. Which clients would you rather have? You can surround yourself with people who are pleasant, easy to deal with, interesting and, oh yes, profitable. Get better clients. You deserve it.

> Resolve to get organized Too much going on?.... Not enough time?.... Sound familiar? How would you like to have more time for what YOU want to do? Resolve this year to plan your days, reduce interruptions, clean off your desk, say "No", make lists. The benefits of getting more organized include being more effective at your work, having more positive control of your workstyle, saving time and money, improving your professional image with clients, bosses, etc. and taking control the stress.

> Resolve to be a rainmaker I've seen many people who sat around waiting for rain. They would wait by the phone, hoping a prospective client would call or come to the business. Others, including some of the most successful, took positive action to "make it rain". These are the ones who made calls, ran ads, got out of the office to make their own contacts. Through their activity, these business professionals created opportunities for new business. More clients, more revenue, better client relationships and happier employees are just a few of the advantages you'll realize when you take business-building action for your enterprise.

> Resolve to cleanup loose ends We all have messes in our lives. Messes are incomplete tasks, disorder, disarray, or conflicts that distract you and cause you to lose energy, break your concentration and reduce self-esteem. Messes can include cluttered desks, relationships gone awry, physical well-being, finances, incomplete agreements and legal issues. Every time you eliminate a loose end, you boost your confidence, increase concentration, and feel a surge in energy. For the year 2000, target a mess a month.

> Resolve to focus on your strengths Conventional wisdom says we should work on improving our weaknesses. What a terrible waste of time, talent and opportunity! Highly successful entrepreneurs, as well as top scientists, artists, athletes and entertainers throughout history have achieved greatness by focusing on their areas of strength. Everybody has a natural aptitude in some areas. No matter how hard you try, it is unlikely you will ever be more than average in areas where you do not have an aptitude.

Working on your weaknesses undermines your self-esteem since you will focus mostly on your deficiencies. Developing your natural talents is rewarding and motivating, allowing you to continually realize higher and higher levels of ability, achievement and success. This year, experience the immense satisfaction that comes with being superb at something.

> Resolve to take more free time Free time isn't a reward for working hard; it's necessary for optimum performance and productivity. We need free time, away from the business, to rejuvenate ourselves. When you are aggressive about getting rest and relaxation, regularly and frequently, you'll see increased creativity and productivity. The more free time you take, the more creativity and productivity you will experience. To make breakthroughs in income, productivity and creativity, significantly increase the amount of free time away from your business.

> Resolve to develop stronger business relationships Your economic future is dependent on other people's future. Your success in your enterprise is based on the extent that you help other people to succeed in their lives. Ask every person you encounter what he or she wants to have accomplished three years from now. Focus on finding ways to help others in achieving their goals. By adding value to their preferred future, you not only deepen your relationship; you also create huge opportunities for yourself.

> Resolve to get in better shape Take a hike. Or a jog, swim, or bike ride. With few exceptions, those who are consistently successful have lots of energy. They have the stamina and the energy to be creative, to tirelessly serve their clients, to put in the extra effort when necessary and to go the extra mile for their employees. The bottom line is that regular, strenuous exercise is good for business, because it's good for you. You can increase your well-being, jump-start your days, boost your confidence, turbocharge your creativity, and knock down stress by exercising consistently.

And that's not all. Think of exercise as your gift to yourself and to your loved ones. A gift of longer life, more energy, happier disposition, increased creativity and reduced pain. You can increase your well- being, jump-start your days, boost your confidence, turbocharge your creativity, and knock down stress by exercising consistently.

Start by exercising your free will. Commit to any of these ten new- millennium resolutions and make this a great 2000!

About the Author...

Gary Lockwood is Your Business Coach. Get the Free BizSuccess newsletter - http://www.bizsuccess.com/newsletter.htm or send any blank email to mailto:subscribe@BizSuccess.com Email: mailto:Gary@BizSuccess.com Web: http://www.BizSuccess.com Office: (800) 272-1575 (USA) * Fax: (815) 361-3041




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FREE Resources


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Recommended Reading ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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"Bits and Bites Aren't Just For Computers"

It's a new year, and I hear a lot of people talking about their huge goals for the year. And that's good.

I also know that most of those people will get discouraged when those goals seem to take longer than they thought. Many of them will give up. And that's bad.

How to avoid it? Break things down into small steps. Old saw, right? There's a proper method to it.

Start where you want to be, and work backward. Ask at each point, "What would I need to do just before I get to this point?"

You'll find that a lot of steps that you might have included in your previous planning are unnecessary. And you'll have a much more realistic view of what's really needed, and the time that will be necessary.

Then break each step down into it's components. Who do you need to get help from? What do you need to have or do or be? What can you safely delegate, and what has to be done by you personally? What can you do to speed things up?

Having worked backwards from the goal also gives you a clear understanding of WHY you're doing each thing as you move forward. That focus will be invaluable. And it will feed your sense of forward motion toward your goal.

Yes, there's a lot of books and tapes on goal setting. Most of them very good. Perhaps this will be another useful perspective.

It works for me.

A little bit at a time, and you'll be surprised how fast things get done. Even big important things.

Like losing those 5 pounds from eating too much over the holidaze!

Reprinted from TalkBiz News. To subscribe (It's free), send any email to mailto:Newsletter@TalkBiz.com



How to Make New Year's Resolutions Stick

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore

At the beginning of each year so many of us commit to changes and worthy goals to be accomplished in the next twelve months only to be disappointed come next December 31 when we discover we are no closer to achieving those resolutions than we were on January 1. The noble resolutions we made early-on became unstuck. So I looked at this dilemma and created four useful suggestions to increase the probability that your New Year's resolutions will stick this year.

1. Quantify it. Sometimes we are just too vague about what we want. Therefore, a resolution such as, "I want to lose weight this year" will probably fail. It is too vague. How much weight? Be specific. What would your ideal weight be, less what do you weigh now, is what you are going after. It is not enough to resolve that; "I want enough money in the bank this year". Quantify. What specific amount would soothe your soul?

2. Set a deadline. Resolutions that are to be achieved "as soon as possible" wind up in the heap of "Someday I'll". Deadlines are commitments. Without a deadline as a self-imposed pressure point, getting started is easily postponed. You see, deadlines put us on the line and define when failure occurs. Deadlines also help us to break the resolution down into little bite-sized pieces. For example, if your goal is to lose 25 pounds by June 30, that translates into approximately 4 pounds per month, one pound per week, or a daily reduction of caloric intake (or an increase in daily caloric burn) of just 500 calories per day. Now that's manageable. 500 calories a day is easy to achieve. 25 pounds seems like a leap across the Grand Canyon. Until we quantify our goal, set a deadline, then break it down to its daily requirements, the resolution will forever seem unattainable.

3. Change one or two things at a time. We generally do not like change in the first place. We seek the familiar and avoid the strange. The more change you put yourself through, the higher the probability your campaign will collapse. Focus in on one or two of the more important resolutions you seek to accomplish this year. When you achieve one or the other, start on the next one. Don't overwhelm yourself with too much change all at once.

4. Be realistic. There's just something about the start of a new year that gets us all wound up for changes in our lives, sometimes extraordinary and unrealistic changes. We become much like the child in the candy store whose eyes are bigger than his stomach. Be realistic. You can only accomplish a certain amount within a period of time. Don't saddle yourself with unrealistic resolutions that will only spell failure later on.

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SPECIAL OFFER: If these ideas have been useful, you may want to receive, "Control the Free Fall", which discusses why we sometime feel so out of control. To get yours free, send your request for "control" to: ctsem@msn.com.

Dr. Donald E. Wetmore-Professional Speaker Productivity Institute Time Management Seminars 60 Huntington St. P.O. Box 2126 Shelton, CT 06484 (800) 969-3773 (203) 929-9902 Fax: (203) 929-8151 mailto:ctsem@msn.com http://www.balancetime.com

Professional Member-National Speakers Association

Copyright 1999 You may re-print the above information in its entirety in your publication, newsletter, or on your webpage. For permission, please email your request for "reprint" to: ctsem@msn.com


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